Friday, February 29, 2008

there's the button a knife and the phone
i'd felt that i could not have been surprised

it makes of the body erotic
all of us very learned apes, sailors flirting

change : rain
I'm starving of this weather

as gender infolds caught sight of our genitals
the third scenario, yellow sprouts, no master territories

the greatest anecdotes of a stark naked corpse
hanged, slowly sling slung from tongue

turned in thought to cannibalism
you see an ass head of yr own

and where are there snouts gluttering globules of snoot
but the other censorships deep hammer history

the organs ineffable poise in the cadaver
penetrating revolution disguised in blood-acid


the dorsal artery of the penis ascends piercing the triangular
turning some liver spotted page

the origin branches cotton and iron territories
of saliva, with rubber gloves

speak to me a different anguish torched flesh to be touched
where prim pussies impale

have your own odyssey how many voiced it be
though sun rubbed honey flow

i'd like to have been remembered as to remember
you could be planting a raucous bed

durable flame : discord and harmony : shivering scalpel
the tough button of her nipple

this last image burning from overexposure
with these innocent sausages of flesh, and none


some people need a harsher kind of love
turn the radio to the christian station but leave the volume off

offering words of a burlesque romp
perhaps : reflexivity : elastic : sphincter

licked and sucked and eaten
and fucked and debauched

a quiet hymn the circumlocutions of crotch
though always relational we'll penetrate yr sovrn limits

down my throat with both hands, hoping
forsythia scalpels erupt from intestine

something yr lips left on mine
a death passport to our machine eden

hawks, flanks, size, elegant
this is the word as it slays you

Sunday, February 24, 2008

this academy is a racket

in the mouth tongues are sleeping through the grinding
interpreted to mean a shaking having broken off

broken on bound downwards toward the bones
keeping together speaking waxed poetic

of that flesh mountain aflame in pharynx
blown in obedience scraping glass

the frame or physical part man, animal
something around her wrists pressed against a flash of mouth

straight through the trunk distinct twilight fibres
discharged in quick succession

one piece tight fitting dogtown
citational bodies bullwhip corresponding clit

vague elevators a corporation in transit
blotting descent with three in the back two in the head


disallow meaning after the handsaw
across the flocculus no human community

the tangle of handcuffs deforms the studded tongue
enthusiasms halyards yanking out the eyes

disfiguring the little pair with early ruin
woods woods ocean damage damage dismember

pure rag in the gutter of meat traffic
maximus phallic from the old holdings momentum

the audience throttled in found objects
you have a long nose from which to bleed

head downward follows partial objects home
bones nests drudgeries circles of black ever outward

gutted undone against the ear of the other
if you don't let us, death will, by shitting, endlessly
down yr throat

Friday, February 15, 2008

last night i dreamt i killed someone famous
when this morning came, it was not impossible

we shift from gestural to graphic
discretion is useless

aggregate numbering
why we've stretched our necks

a pendulum swings tightening the tension in memory
the spinal cord and its gelatinous membrane

arc in choreography of the performative
you're going to keep your appointment

sexless--the periphery of lip
please refrain from picking yr carcass

half-used, the descent toward the tip
the final chapters of modernism will be written in blood


two plump turqoise parasites

insert blow-job scene

here is your own moon-poem

precise strokes

you must forget to breathe

that oceanic feeling, what language remembers

shadows are often seen quietly orating

to visual decoders soft inside addiction
once your assumptions have grown
almost sexless in a mirage of moonlight
the anaesthetic worn off we adumbrate your larynx relations
collapsing the grid

the strange woman is in yr garden

the smell of lubricant on a freckle

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

A Medulla a Medulla Oblongata is substance.

If the branches are membrane and there is a ganglion surrounding it

If inside is let in and there places larynx then certainly

spleen is ascending.

It is fissure.