Saturday, December 30, 2006

The Prospect, objectively, of Killing; Rejected

the water
like clouds

nothing juridical
at all
in italian
da vinci
my surgeon tips

to the bone
the body

you'll be better

yr wind
is quicker
than blood
then blood
so large
yr skin

a state
we (yr surgeons) fight
to become


Blogger Hayes said...

" The question 'In what way does the living being have language?' corresponds exactly to the question "In what way does bare life dwell in the polis?' The living being has logos by taking away and conserving its own voice in it, even as it dwells in the polis by letting its own bare life be excluded, as an exception, within it. Politics therefore appears as the truly fundamental structure of western metaphysics insofar as it occupies the threshold on which the relation between the living being and the logos is realized. In the 'politicization' of bare life--the metaphysical task par excellence--the humanity of living man is decided. In assuming this task, modernity does nothing other than declare its own faithfulness to the essential structure of the metaphysical tradition. The fundamental categorial pair of western politics is not that of friend/enemy but that of bare life/political existence, zoe/bios, exclusion/inclusion. There is politics because man is the living being who, in language, separates and opposes himself in relation to that bare life in an inclusive exclusion."
--Giorgio Agamben from Homo Sacer

2:17 PM  

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