Friday, March 14, 2008

horror has a face and a name
in contrast to this pastoral scene

sometimes one is stunned by so much cruelty
sequined a preliminary shade of red

lie down on the floor like a rag doll
intense abdominal pain without a murmur

the stunning beauty of so many corpses
gray bodies knotting the flutter and blur of muscles

point to the absolute by hiding it
loosening surfaces embellished with skin

let me put my tongue in yr asshole
kiss you in the mirror leaving chapped smears

I don't think it's peculiar
singing songs to an untranslatable body


this search for ongoing tryst
a sermon encased in glass

the shallow estuary of exposed figures
lie down on the floor like a rag doll

silicone implants, radios
we are standing at the ready with the hatchets

an androgyny exposing metal throat
we've had to break jaws before

insert needle outside box and lip
beauty merely feeds the butcher: the family starves

slight touch of filament: the thresher
and thus alas no lust but initial frictions

laboratory canisters meant for containment and gravity
will hold yr language heart flat for feeding


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