Tuesday, May 27, 2008

the spectators eye engages oral and anal obsessions
a blood bath of instincts gushing

a fruit offered to his beloved
the exorcists are soon deprived of discourse

this reclining lover whom he kisses
in the morning, before the sentence

postulates of biological forms
very quickly words replace smells

a formal figure dear to bosch
the possession, as we have seen, develops rapidly

imperceptible slippages
the ritualization of a choreographic and verbal orgy

a collapse and loss of members and organs
invested with meaning as guarantors of conformity


the devil begins to write
a marvelous animality of asses and mouths

by diminishing or destroying the locus proprius
tortured bodies written by law

after falling into a magical sleep she gives birth
dismembering orgiastic

swallowed up like atlantis
peaks beaks arrows and sharp points

doubtless, there must always be death for speech
nocturnal feeders where bodies are lips

do we exist to speak to the other or be spoken by her
an androgyny halfway burst open

a challenge of and dedication to
cutup bodies that can be disassembled like dolls


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